Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Life From The Confines of a Monkey Backpack

You know those kids. You see 'em at theme parks and shopping malls. They're about three feet tall, and have a leash strapped to their monkey backpack.

Moms seem to be split 50/50 as to whether or not it's a good idea. Parents who want to allow freedom while still keeping the children close by are pro-monkey. Those who think the idea is ridiculous, and leashes should be left to the dogs? Anti-monkey, no doubt. 

I never had an opinion... your kid, your tethered monkey-backpack. There are much bigger battles for me to get involved in, like why there is gum stuck to my daughter's hair. Or how 18 nerf bullets are entangled in the Christmas tree, right next to the fragile glass nativity. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Forget Me Not

You know how it goes. You’re sitting there in traffic, or washing the shampoo out of your hair, or grabbing two silent minutes alone in the locked bathroom before tiny little fingers feel beneath the door (What are they looking for anyway? Are they hoping they can grab ahold of you and rip you back out of the bathroom via that 1.5 inch tall space?)… where was I? Oh yes. You know how it goes. When you forget something. Usually you’re in the middle of something completely unrelated and you remember you were supposed to do something else. Like sign a permission slip. Or pay a bill. Or donate a kidney. Something really really important, and you totally forgot.  It’ll go on your to-do list, if you can remember it all the way through your shower.

Sometimes I think that God forgets when I’ve asked Him for stuff. Like that book query I sent off to

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Seasons of the Proverbs 31 Woman

I've had this picture in my head for the last six months. It's a woman, and she's walking through a wheat field - breeze blowing, gauzy white cotton dress flowing. I saw her in my dreams, and I longed to be her.

Little did I know - she was longing to be me too.  

My life has been one crazy cycle of gathering and sloughing. Gathering something... and then years later, that whatever it is, is broken... shattered... sloughed. When I was in my 20's, and even early 30's, I gathered degrees. First one. Then another. And another. I gathered them like a child grabs up handfuls of m&ms. Not because they were necessary,

Friday, October 18, 2013

No One Goes To The Altar Alone

It was like an unwritten rule at my last church. No one goes to the altar alone.

I loved that about them. It was one of the first things that pricked my heart about the church when I was visiting. No matter who you were, when you went to the altar, there was always someone who followed you up there to put their arm around you and just be. It wasn't creepy, it just happened. They crossed genders, ages barriers, and races. In seven years, I never once saw someone alone at the alter. And I was never alone at the altar.

We're at a new church now. It's a great church. There is a lady that frequents the second row pew with me. Last week, she'd gone up to the altar, and that's when I realized: nobody's with her. Nobody

Friday, September 20, 2013

What God Does When We Aren't Looking

To say I work a lot is an understatement, but let's face it - who doesn't? Between work, church, recreation, birthday parties, volunteer opportunities... we barely have time to eat, let alone rest, right?

For the past week, I've been working some, resting and playing some, and attending a conference for Disney travel agents. Our family tries to take an official "family vacation" every fall, where I'm suppose to leave the laptop and cell behind, and we all rediscover what we like about each other. Except this year, the conference fell right around our family trip time, and frankly, I couldn't afford two trips so we combined them into one. On the last full day of our trip, we made zero plans. We spent the day swimming in the pool, going to our favorite quick eatery, making new friends wandering along the beach, and even swinging in the hammock.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Missed Blessings

Some of you that know me know my "God-thing" is deer. You may have a God-thing. It's something that connects you to God, gives you peace or affirmation of a decision. For my friend Denise, it's blue birds and red birds. For me, it's deer.

Ever since we moved out to a more rural area, I had been hoping to see some deer. My confirmation that we were right where we needed to be! The neighbors say they see them. You'd think they were nearby, solely based on the number of woods, lakes, and ponds we have around. But we're going on 4 months here with not a single hooved animal in site.

Then today, at lunch, I was in a rush to get to work. I'd worked until almost midnight last night, and

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

When You Feel Like You Can't Do It All... You Probably Shouldn't

Do you ever feel like you just can’t do it all? Like the demands of the day are more than you can possibly stand? This morning I woke up feeling seriously overwhelmed. In part due to the fact that a 4-day weekend had just passed, and rather than relax and enjoy it, I’d spent much of it working. On house projects, on cleaning out the garage so I can actually park in it someday, on a 31 Gifts party with my best customers, and even on rearranging the kids’ homeschool schedule to add a bit more content. I finished the must-to-do’s, but still have some want-to-do’s, and Lord willing, I’ll get them done tonight.

But I look around and see the house that is still messy from a sale I haven’t put products away for yet, and literally 8 loads of laundry that were in the garage from our last move that are either outgrown or a different season (which after laundering, will need to be sorted for Goodwill or put away), I look at the email of a person who wants to know why I didn’t work on their project on a holiday (I did work,

Saturday, August 17, 2013

(How) God is Like a Mammogram

Today's list of things to do included laundry, taking N to football practice and oh, yes, that occasional boob-squashing event we call a mammogram.

I'm not really that old. Twenty-nine for the 2nd time? Third? (Thinking in head)... Well let's just say I'm not that old. But we have a family history, so every now and then the duty must be done.

In the doctor's office, I hop up to what we'll refer to as the smasher. A very sweet technician proceeds to apologize in advance for any pain I have to endure, and I refrain from any "but you haven't even taken me to dinner yet!" jokes even though clearly, she has hit first base.

Boob squashed? Check! But oh no, not so fast. She just keeps on clicking that dial, lowering the

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Crazy Lady Who Talks To God

Sometimes as Christians, we're taught that you shouldn't tell people you talk to God... Unless you want a one-way ticket to the funny farm, via a custom ride in a padded wagon. It's just weird. Like the homeless people in Central Park who wander around and mumble to themselves all day, or people with a nervous tick. You get labeled... put in a class of people who are somehow less intelligent, irresponsible, flightier, or naive. "Come back down to reality", they say. And while we're riding that honesty train, have you ever looked at someone because they hear from God differently than you do? I have. Before I knew better than to judge those crazies.

'Cause here's the thing. I talk to God. I talk WITH God. And I hear back. Now that's a whole new level of crazy, isn't it?

Take this morning for instance. I was awake with quiet thoughts, thinking about something I'm going

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

We All Have Greatness

Each year at our 31 Gifts National Conference, our leader comes up with a new theme for her team. Not only does the entire team then wear a shirt with that logo on it to identify us as belonging under the wing of our leader, but also that theme somehow ties into our businesses or lives for the year.

Last year's theme was "In the Presence of Greatness." We were to look amongst our 31 sisters for guidance and a helping hand in our own businesses, because we didn't need to look to just the higher-ups for guidance. Everything we needed, we already had among us. WE were the greatness.

Today I was lucky enough to have a 10-hour drive by myself for a business trip. While I was driving, I got to thinking about some friends, and some things I had recently learned about them. Like Alicia, who wrote and published a bible study, or Heather, who wrote a book about the space shuttle that just

Sunday, May 5, 2013

You Can't Ride Two Horses with Only One Butt...

Today was an epiphany for me. Last September, I signed up to take a ballet class. I have never put on a ballet slipper in my entire life. I'm not a size two. Mind you, I can cheer, and even coached cheer, but dance? Now that's a completely different animal. My friend Nickie has a daughter who dances competitively - she's your traditional "dance mom". Nickie said "Ballet? Are you sure? That's the hardest one to learn!" But I wanted to start with ballet, because that's the dance that all other dance forms are based off of. Or so I'd heard.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

God in a Box

Do you ever put God in a box? Think of him as just this way or that way, not fully comprehending the many roles he plays in our lives?

I have been in the midst of not-quite-chaos-but-so-close-to-it-it's-not-funny for so long! In a constant state of questioning God's provision, and my role in my family. It took a long time - at least the past year - to truly discover what my role and place is but when I did make that discovery it wasn't what anyone else could tell me... I treasured their advice, but ultimately the discovery had to be within me. It had to come from me. AND, it was only after I'd tried to transform our family into everyone else's idea of what would work for us. Needless to say, it didn't, but discovering that was necessary to get to the true US.

I talked to a treasured friend K about my dilemma... What does God want me to BE? What does He want for our family? Her insight was like a light switch in a dark room. I am so thankful for godly

Friday, February 22, 2013

Just when I thought I had it all together...

As a business owner who works from home, there's often a fine line between organization and clutter. We tend to look for the perfect method to ensure the resources we need are available, accessible, and don't leave your home office looking like a tornado just whizzed through. I finally found the *PERFECT* map organization tool: Tadaaaa! A shoe organizer!

Complicated? No! Does the trick? Yes! I keep all of my brochures readily available and ready to send out to my clients with every package I mail.  Each time I take a business trip to Disney (yes, that sounds funny to you, doesn't it?) I bring back plenty of maps, or so I think.  I have collateral that I send to my clients that includes overall property maps, (i.e., you are here maps) plus brochures, and park maps, along with other goody bags whenever they take a trip.  However, the park maps I can only get when I actually come to town.  I am blessed in that I usually run out of maps before my next trip, thanks to my wonderful clients.  On my last trip, in December, I made sure I was well-stocked. I thought, surely I have plenty. Surely, these will last me a good long while, right?


New Maps are coming out in just a couple weeks! Well shucks, now what's a good travel agent to do? Send out old maps so they don't end up in the recycle bin? Send out new maps so you don't seem outdated and confuse the client when they get there and find the new map doesn't look at all like the map they've been studying for a week? Or send both and let them choose? Eenie Meenie Miney Mo, this map, that map, I don't know...

One thing I am SO thankful for is my next business trip - a short jaunt, just two days - is March 3rd and 4th! Coincidence? I think not!  This girl will be stocking up on new maps for my clients, scheduled to come out the first day I arrive.  I could not be more thankful, because again, I have to get them onsite!  Thank you Lord, I feel you watching over me!