Wednesday, June 18, 2014

God, Out Of The Box.

I finally figured it out. I have been in a funk for the past week, but couldn't quite put my finger on why.

There's a guy at work, I'll call him Mr. W. He told me about a book that he read where the author was a pastor of a certain denominational congregation, and he converted from his existing congregation to join this new church. His book encourages others to do the same, and he's very good at persuasion - so much so that my friend at work is now prompting me to purchase this book and join the movement.  To be fair, I listened to him tell the story of why this book was fabulous. I probably shouldn't have listened or nodded as much as I did, but I listened.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Waiting on God's Plan For You... STILL?

My kids LOVE baking cookies. Yes, I know you can make them from scratch, and every Christmas season we get out the mixing bowls, chocolate chips, and end up covered in flour from head to toe. But for normal everyday life, we go for the good ol’ roll of cookie dough that comes from the grocery store. We’ve got a plan: cookie sheets, cookies, spatula, and a pre-set oven. We slice some dough off the roll (sometimes sneaking a nibble from one or two) and lay the chunks neatly in rows on the cookie sheet. Into the oven they go, with expectant eyes peering through the glass on the oven door.