Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Crazy Lady Who Talks To God

Sometimes as Christians, we're taught that you shouldn't tell people you talk to God... Unless you want a one-way ticket to the funny farm, via a custom ride in a padded wagon. It's just weird. Like the homeless people in Central Park who wander around and mumble to themselves all day, or people with a nervous tick. You get labeled... put in a class of people who are somehow less intelligent, irresponsible, flightier, or naive. "Come back down to reality", they say. And while we're riding that honesty train, have you ever looked at someone because they hear from God differently than you do? I have. Before I knew better than to judge those crazies.

'Cause here's the thing. I talk to God. I talk WITH God. And I hear back. Now that's a whole new level of crazy, isn't it?

Take this morning for instance. I was awake with quiet thoughts, thinking about something I'm going

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

We All Have Greatness

Each year at our 31 Gifts National Conference, our leader comes up with a new theme for her team. Not only does the entire team then wear a shirt with that logo on it to identify us as belonging under the wing of our leader, but also that theme somehow ties into our businesses or lives for the year.

Last year's theme was "In the Presence of Greatness." We were to look amongst our 31 sisters for guidance and a helping hand in our own businesses, because we didn't need to look to just the higher-ups for guidance. Everything we needed, we already had among us. WE were the greatness.

Today I was lucky enough to have a 10-hour drive by myself for a business trip. While I was driving, I got to thinking about some friends, and some things I had recently learned about them. Like Alicia, who wrote and published a bible study, or Heather, who wrote a book about the space shuttle that just