This week I felt like melting into a puddle of tears and... well, tears. The straw that broke the proverbial camel's back was when the landlord for our current home told me he has on file that our contract is a year longer than I have on file. A stinking YEAR! Pile that on to existing stress of living in two households (and desiring to be in one, just to clarify), PAYING for two households, hearing my children ask "but why can't you come to parent night at VBS, mommy? Do you think you could drive home for the night?" Which is an adorably endearing request but in reality looks like this: get off at 3:30, drive 3.5 hours home to be two hours late for a program, watch the last 20 minutes, give kisses and hugs, and turn back around to make the 3.5 hour trip back to my temporary home, get in at midnight, sleep 5 hours, get up for work, work 8 hours, and drive back home 3.5 hours for the weekend.